Tuesday, November 10, 2009


It was my birthday yesterday, and since that's the most exciting thing that has happened in a while, I figured I'd write. Goodness. Has it really been since my engagement that I last wrote? Wow!

I'm really 27 now! That seems way too close to 30, which I never thought would come. It's been good though. Every year I like to think back at what I've done and learned over the year, and this past year has been wonderful.

Well, I am in school again...and I am so glad that this semester is almost over. They told us that this is the semester when they loose the most students from the program. I'm hoping that our class won't be loosing anyone. I really enjoy the people that I'm with every day. So, needless to say, I am happy with some of the C's I am getting. As long as I pass, I will feel blessed. I think I just have one more big test in each of my classes and then finals. So, I'm doing pretty well so far.

Vinnie was just able to come up for my birthday. I love seeing him. I wish I could every day. Although, it is kind of nice not having him as a distraction while I'm trying to study. We're able to see each other every 2 or 3 weeks. I'll be going down the Friday before Thanksgiving for a few days and then again the beginning of December for a formal dinner for his reserve unit.

Speaking of his reserve unit/army stuff, Vinnie got his new go-date for basic. He'll be shipping out of Jan 12, so he should be done the end of March. Then he'll be gone again in July for OCS, and then I'll have a little officer guy to marry. It'll be good though, I can go live in the place he bought while he's off at OCS. We're thinking our wedding will be either Sept 25 or Oct 9, but we'll see. Still not sure. I've decided to put off wedding planning till after I graduate so I can concentrate on school (I tried to do both and was getting pretty stressed out).

(this is a picture from today. I don't know why, but Vinnie thinks it's so funny to squish my lips together)

So, next up is finishing the semester and then having a wonderful month long break before I get into my last semester. I'm so excited to be so close. I can't wait to have a real job making grown-up money! I really wish that I had started this program much earlier. I feel like I could write a book on how to not plan your education. I'm glad I finally figured it out though!